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  • MECANIZADO IN SITU Mantenimiento y reparación bridas y válvulas
  • MECANIZADO IN SITU Mantenimiento y reparación bridas y válvulas
  • Máquinas portátiles de mecanizado: Refrentado - Mandrinado - Roscado - Achaflanado - Aterrajado - Nuevo mecanizado - Rectificación - Mecanizado cónico


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  • Usted está aquí
  • BMFM219 - Bench Mounted Facing Machine BMFM 219 machining unit with concentric clamping device for Ø from 1" to 8.626"

BMFM219 - Bench Mounted Facing Machine BMFM 219 machining unit with concentric clamping device for Ø from 1" to 8.626" BMFM219

BMFM219 - Bench Mounted Facing Machine BMFM 219 machining unit with concentric clamping device for Ø from 1

25.4 mm (1.00") ID
219.1 mm (8.63") OD

Reliable design and very easy to use, the BMFM219 can performs repeatable quality weld preps on most metal pipes and tubes including carbon and stainless steel, duplex and super duplex, inconel etc. The benefit of these machines is the possibility to machine several tube Ø without changing the clamping system. The jaws move together while clamping and guarantee a perfect concentricity of the tubes in the machine. These machines minimize the risk of contamination since they produce collectible ribbon-like chips and no particles. Moreover the outside clamping system prevents all inside contamination of the inside of the tube. Such contamination would be considered hazardous or critical for high purity applications

Características técnicas

  • 219.1 mm (8.63")
  • 25.4 mm (1.00")
  • 219.1 mm (8.63")
  • 25.4 mm (1.00")
Ficha de datos