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  • MECANIZADO IN SITU Mantenimiento y reparación bridas y válvulas
  • MECANIZADO IN SITU Mantenimiento y reparación bridas y válvulas
  • Máquinas portátiles de mecanizado: Refrentado - Mandrinado - Roscado - Achaflanado - Aterrajado - Nuevo mecanizado - Rectificación - Mecanizado cónico


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¿Qué tipo de mecanizado que se va a realizar ?

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Profundidad Mandrinar?

Se pondrá en funcionamiento la máquina ?

Ferias Exposiciones en detalle

DICO_DATES_DU 08/09/2025 DICO_DATES_AU 11/09/2025


When it comes to metal forming, fabricating, welding, and finishing, FABTECH is the only event that makes it possible to see it all together in one place. With over 800,000 square feet of exhibits, this is where you’ll find the latest in manufacturing equipment. Discover innovations by application and industry. And see the advanced manufacturing solutions that bring new levels of productivity and efficiency to your operations. FABTECH gives you the tools, technology, and know-how you need to stay ahead of the competition.

  • Chicago, USA