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DICO_DATES_DU 15/09/2025 DICO_DATES_AU 19/09/2025

Schweissen & Schneiden Essen

The SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN, the undisputed number one in the industry, is returning home: The entire international community of joining, cutting, and coating technologies will once again gather at the modernized MESSE ESSEN – a promising home game.

The unparalleled variety of the world's leading trade fair will once again showcase the entire value chain in 2025, attracting numerous top decision-makers, experts, and market leaders from all sectors. Key industry topics such as additive manufacturing, Industry 4.0, and underwater technology will have their place at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN. This is a unique opportunity to experience and discuss the latest advancements in automation, robotics, and manufacturing up close.

  • Spiele Messe Essen, Norbertstraße 56A, 45131 Essen, Allemagne