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  • MECANIZADO IN SITU Mantenimiento y reparación bridas y válvulas
  • MECANIZADO IN SITU Mantenimiento y reparación bridas y válvulas
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Ferias Exposiciones en detalle

Advanced Engineering Expo
DICO_DATES_DU 21/05/2025 DICO_DATES_AU 22/05/2025

Advanced Engineering Expo

Are you constantly looking for ways to further develop your products? Then Advanced Engineering on 21 & 22 May 2025 at Flanders Expo cannot be missing from your agenda. The scope of this exhibition event? Every phase of the product development process, for every sector of the Benelux manufacturing industry. From the design, engineering and prototyping of your product to choosing the right components and electronics. The innovations at the fair work across borders, meet and learn from your colleagues from mechanical engineering, electronics, medical devices, automotive, airspace, building materials, research, …, in short, the entire manufacturing industry. At this two-day exhibition event, you will find everything you need to take your products to the next level.

  • Flanders Expo, Maaltekouter 1, 9051 Gent, Belgique